var _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____ = function(name) {return (self._wb_wombat && self._wb_wombat.local_init && self._wb_wombat.local_init(name)) || self[name]; }; if (!self.__WB_pmw) { self.__WB_pmw = function(obj) { this.__WB_source = obj; return this; } } { let window = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("window"); let self = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("self"); let document = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("document"); let location = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("location"); let top = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("top"); let parent = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("parent"); let frames = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("frames"); let opener = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("opener"); /** * Main scripts file * * @package Hestia */ /* global jQuery */ /* global Hammer */ /* global AOS */ /* global requestpost */ jQuery( document ).ready( function ( $ ) { $.material.init(); var window_width = $( window ).width(); stickFooterToBottom(); // Activate the Tooltips $( '[data-toggle="tooltip"], [rel="tooltip"]' ).tooltip(); // Activate bootstrap-select $( '.select' ).dropdown( { 'dropdownClass': 'dropdown-menu', 'optionClass': '' } ); // Active Carousel if ( $( 'body.rtl' ).length === 0 ) { $( '.carousel' ).carousel( { interval: 10000 } ); // RTL } else { $( '.carousel' ).carousel( { interval: 10000 } ); $( '.carousel-control.left' ).click( function () { $( '.carousel' ).carousel( 'next' ); } ); $( '.carousel-control.right' ).click( function () { $( '.carousel' ).carousel( 'prev' ); } ); } if ( typeof Hammer !== 'undefined' ) { var hammerLeft = 'swipeleft', hammerRight = 'swiperight'; // RTL if ( $( 'body.rtl' ).length !== 0 ) { hammerLeft = 'swiperight'; hammerRight = 'swipeleft'; } // Add swipe support on carousel if ( $( '#carousel-hestia-generic' ).length !== 0 ) { var hestiaCarousel = document.getElementById( 'carousel-hestia-generic' ); Hammer( hestiaCarousel ).on( hammerLeft, function () { $( '.carousel' ).carousel( 'next' ); } ); Hammer( hestiaCarousel ).on( hammerRight, function () { $( '.carousel' ).carousel( 'prev' ); } ); } } var transparent = true; if ( $( '.navbar-color-on-scroll' ).length !== 0 ) { var navbarHome = $( '.navbar-color-on-scroll' ), headerWithTopbar = 0; if ( navbarHome.hasClass( 'header-with-topbar' ) ) { headerWithTopbar = 40; } $( window ).on( 'scroll', debounce( function () { if ( $( document ).scrollTop() > headerWithTopbar ) { if ( transparent ) { transparent = false; navbarHome.removeClass( 'navbar-transparent' ); navbarHome.addClass( 'navbar-not-transparent' ); } } else { if ( !transparent ) { transparent = true; navbarHome.addClass( 'navbar-transparent' ); navbarHome.removeClass( 'navbar-not-transparent' ); } } }, 17 ) ); } // Check if header has topbar and add extra class var navbar = $( '.navbar' ), navbarScrollPoint = 0; function checkNavbarScrollPoint() { if ( $( '.navbar-header' ).length !== 0 ) { // Window width bigger or equal with 768px if ( getWidth() >= 768 ) { if ( typeof $( '.navbar-header' ).offset() !== 'undefined' ) { navbarScrollPoint = $( '.navbar-header' ).offset().top + $( '.navbar-header' ).height(); // Distance from top to the bottom of the logo } // Check if topbar is active when navbar is left aligned if ( $( '.hestia_left.header-with-topbar' ).length !== 0 || $( '.full-screen-menu.header-with-topbar' ).length !== 0 ) { navbarScrollPoint = 40; } // Window width less than 768px } else { // Check if topbar is active if ( $( '.header-with-topbar' ).length !== 0 ) { navbarScrollPoint = 40; // Topbar height // Topbar disabled } else { navbarScrollPoint = 0; } } } } checkNavbarScrollPoint(); // On screen resize recalculate navbarScrollPoint $( window ).resize( function () { checkNavbarScrollPoint(); } ); // On screen scroll add scroll-related class $( window ).on( 'scroll', function () { if ( $( document ).scrollTop() >= navbarScrollPoint ) { navbar.addClass( 'navbar-scroll-point' ); } else { navbar.removeClass( 'navbar-scroll-point' ); } } ); if ( window_width >= 768 ) { var big_image = $( '.page-header[data-parallax="active"]' ); if ( big_image.length !== 0 ) { $( window ).on( 'scroll', debounce( function () { if ( isElementInViewport( big_image ) ) { var oVal = ($( window ).scrollTop() / 3); big_image.css( { 'transform': 'translate3d(0,' + oVal + 'px,0)', '-webkit-transform': 'translate3d(0,' + oVal + 'px,0)', '-ms-transform': 'translate3d(0,' + oVal + 'px,0)', '-o-transform': 'translate3d(0,' + oVal + 'px,0)' } ); } }, 4 ) ); } } function stickFooterToBottom() { var documentHeight = $( 'html' ).outerHeight( true ); var windowHeight = $( window ).height(); if ( documentHeight < windowHeight + 20 ) { $( '.main .blog-post' ).css( 'min-height', $( '.main .blog-post' ).outerHeight() + windowHeight - documentHeight + 10 ); } else { $( '.main .blog-post' ).css( 'min-height', 'inherit' ); } } function debounce( func, wait, immediate ) { var timeout; return function () { var context = this, args = arguments; clearTimeout( timeout ); timeout = setTimeout( function () { timeout = null; if ( !immediate ) { func.apply( context, args ); } }, wait ); if ( immediate && !timeout ) { func.apply( context, args ); } }; } function isElementInViewport( elem ) { var $elem = $( elem ); // Get the scroll position of the page. var viewportTop = $( window ).scrollTop(); var viewportBottom = viewportTop + $( window ).height(); // Get the position of the element on the page. var elemTop = Math.round( $elem.offset().top ); var elemBottom = elemTop + $elem.height(); return ((elemTop < viewportBottom) && (elemBottom > viewportTop)); } /* Smooth Scroll */ var verifiedNavHeight; verifiedNavHeight = verifyNavHeight(); // Verify again on resize $( window ).resize( function () { verifiedNavHeight = verifyNavHeight(); } ); function verifyNavHeight() { var navHeight; if ( window_width < 768 ) { navHeight = $( '.navbar' ).outerHeight(); } else { navHeight = ( $( '.navbar' ).outerHeight() - 15 ); } return navHeight; } $( '.navbar a[href*="#"], a.btn[href*="#"]' ).click( function () { var menuitem = $( this ).attr( 'class' ); if ( menuitem === 'dropdown-toggle' ) { return; } if ( location.pathname.replace( /^\//, '' ) === this.pathname.replace( /^\//, '' ) && location.hostname === this.hostname ) { var target = $( this.hash ); target = target.length ? target : $( '[name=' + this.hash.slice( 1 ) + ']' ); if ( target.length ) { $( 'html,body' ).animate( { scrollTop: ( target.offset().top - verifiedNavHeight ) }, 1200 ); // Hide drop-down and submenu if ( $( '.navbar .navbar-collapse' ).hasClass( 'in' ) ) { $( '.navbar' ).removeClass( 'in' ); } if ( $( '.navbar li.dropdown' ).hasClass( 'open' ) ) { $( '.navbar' ).removeClass( 'open' ); } if ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'menu-open' ) ) { $( 'body' ).removeClass( 'menu-open' ); $( '.navbar-collapse' ).css( 'height', '0' ); $( '.navbar-toggle' ).attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); } return false; } } } ); // Add control-label for each contact form field function addControlLabel( field ) { var placeholderField = field.attr( 'placeholder' ); field.removeAttr( 'placeholder' ); $( '' ).insertBefore( field ); } var searchForm = $( '.search-form label' ); if ( typeof (searchForm) !== 'undefined' ) { var searchField = $( searchForm ).find( '.search-field' ); if ( $( searchField ).attr( 'value' ) === '' ) { $( searchForm ).addClass( 'label-floating is-empty' ); } else { $( searchForm ).addClass( 'label-floating' ); } addControlLabel( searchField ); } var wooSearchForm = $( '.woocommerce-product-search' ); if ( typeof (wooSearchForm) !== 'undefined' ) { var wooSearchField = $( wooSearchForm ).find( '.search-field' ); if ( $( wooSearchField ).attr( 'value' ) === '' ) { $( wooSearchForm ).addClass( 'label-floating is-empty' ); } else { $( wooSearchForm ).addClass( 'label-floating' ); } addControlLabel( wooSearchField ); } if ( typeof $( '.contact_submit_wrap' ) !== 'undefined' ) { $( '.pirate-forms-submit-button' ).addClass( 'btn btn-primary' ); } if ( typeof $( '.form_captcha_wrap' ) !== 'undefined' ) { if ( $( '.form_captcha_wrap' ).hasClass( 'col-sm-4' ) ) { $( '.form_captcha_wrap' ).removeClass( 'col-sm-6' ); } if ( $( '.form_captcha_wrap' ).hasClass( 'col-lg-6' ) ) { $( '.form_captcha_wrap' ).removeClass( 'col-lg-6' ); } $( '.form_captcha_wrap' ).addClass( 'col-md-12' ); } if ( typeof $( 'form' ) !== 'undefined' ) { $( 'form' ).addClass( 'form-group' ); } if ( typeof $( 'input' ) !== 'undefined' ) { if ( typeof $( 'input[type="text"]' ) !== 'undefined' ) { $( 'input[type="text"]' ).addClass( 'form-control' ); } if ( typeof $( 'input[type="email"]' ) !== 'undefined' ) { $( 'input[type="email"]' ).addClass( 'form-control' ); } if ( typeof $( 'input[type="url"]' ) !== 'undefined' ) { $( 'input[type="url"]' ).addClass( 'form-control' ); } if ( typeof $( 'input[type="password"]' ) !== 'undefined' ) { $( 'input[type="password"]' ).addClass( 'form-control' ); } if ( typeof $( 'input[type="tel"]' ) !== 'undefined' ) { $( 'input[type="tel"]' ).addClass( 'form-control' ); } if ( typeof $( 'input[type="search"]' ) !== 'undefined' ) { $( 'input[type="search"]' ).addClass( 'form-control' ); } if ( typeof $( 'input.select2-input' ) !== 'undefined' ) { $( 'input.select2-input' ).removeClass( 'form-control' ); } } if ( typeof $( 'textarea' ) !== 'undefined' ) { $( 'textarea' ).addClass( 'form-control' ); } if ( typeof $( '.form-control' ) !== 'undefined' ) { $( '.form-control' ).parent().addClass( 'form-group' ); $( window ).on( 'scroll', function () { $( '.form-control' ).parent().addClass( 'form-group' ); } ); } $( window ).on( 'scroll', function () { if ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'home' ) ) { if ( $( window ).width() >= 751 ) { var hestia_scrollTop = $( window ).scrollTop(); // cursor position var headerHeight = $( '.navbar' ).outerHeight(); // header height var isInOneSection = 'no'; // used for checking if the cursor is in one section or not // for all sections check if the cursor is inside a section $( '#carousel-hestia-generic, section' ).each( function () { var thisID = '#' + $( this ).attr( 'id' ); // section id var hestia_offset = $( this ).offset().top; // distance between top and our section var thisHeight = $( this ).outerHeight(); // section height var thisBegin = hestia_offset - headerHeight; // where the section begins var thisEnd = hestia_offset + thisHeight - headerHeight; // where the section ends // if position of the cursor is inside of the this section if ( hestia_scrollTop + verifiedNavHeight >= thisBegin && hestia_scrollTop + verifiedNavHeight <= thisEnd ) { isInOneSection = 'yes'; $( 'nav .on-section' ).removeClass( 'on-section' ); $( 'nav a[href$="' + thisID + '"]' ).parent( 'li' ).addClass( 'on-section' ); // find the menu button with the same ID section return false; } if ( isInOneSection === 'no' ) { $( 'nav .on-section' ).removeClass( 'on-section' ); } } ); } } } ); $( document ).on( 'DOMNodeInserted', '.added_to_cart', function () { if ( !( $( this ).parent().hasClass( 'hestia-view-cart-wrapper' ) ) ) { $( this ).wrap( '
' ); } } ); /** * Add padding in post/page header */ function fixHeaderPadding() { /** * This code is related to hestia_header_layout control. * Handle the classic blog header layout. * * Because of the scroll bar on Windows, $( window ).width() is not the same with the media query, so we * need matchMedia to target the media queries. * See more info here: * * - On mobile < 600px with admin bar (which becomes fixed) we have to adjust the margin of the content container * so that the navigation bar doesn't overlap it. * - In all other cases we should just adjust the margin with the navigation bar height. */ var navbar_height = $( '.navbar-fixed-top' ).outerHeight(); var mobile_media = window.matchMedia( '(max-width: 600px)' ); if( $('#wpadminbar').length && mobile_media.matches ) { $('.main.classic-blog').css('margin-top', navbar_height - 46); } else { $('.main.classic-blog').css('margin-top', navbar_height); } if ( $( window ).width() > 768 ) { var beaver_offset = 40; $( '.pagebuilder-section' ).css( 'padding-top', navbar_height ); $( '.fl-builder-edit .pagebuilder-section' ).css( 'padding-top', navbar_height + beaver_offset ); $( '.page-header.header-small .container' ).css( 'padding-top', navbar_height + 100 ); var headerHeight = $( '.single-product .page-header.header-small' ).height(); var offset = headerHeight + 100; $( '.single-product .page-header.header-small .container' ).css( 'padding-top', headerHeight - offset ); var marginOffset = headerHeight - navbar_height - 172; $( '.woocommerce.single-product .blog-post .col-md-12 > div[id^=product].product' ).css( 'margin-top', -marginOffset ); } else { $( '.page-header.header-small .container , .woocommerce.single-product .blog-post .col-md-12 > div[id^=product].product' ).removeAttr( 'style' ); } if( $('.no-content').length ) { $('.page-header.header-small').css('min-height', navbar_height + 230); } } fixHeaderPadding(); /** * Calculate height for .page-header on front page */ function headerSpacingFrontpage() { if ( $( '.home .header .carousel' ).length > 0 ) { var pageHeader = $( '.page-header' ), pageHeaderContainer = $( '.page-header .container' ), windowWidth = $( window ).width(), windowHeight = $( window ).height(); // Set page-header height if ( windowWidth > 768 ) { pageHeader.css( 'height', (windowHeight * 0.9) ); // 90% of window height } else { if ( windowHeight > pageHeaderContainer.outerHeight() ) { pageHeader.css( 'height', windowHeight ); // window height is 100% pageHeaderContainer.removeClass( 'container-height-auto' ); } else { pageHeader.css( 'height', 'auto' ); // window height will be auto pageHeaderContainer.addClass( 'container-height-auto' ); } } } } headerSpacingFrontpage(); // Fix for Bootstrap Navwalker $( '.navbar .dropdown > a .caret' ).click( function (event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); $( this ).toggleClass( 'caret-open' ); $( this ).parent().siblings().toggleClass( 'open' ); if ( $( '.navbar .dropdown' ).hasClass( 'open' ) ) { $( '.navbar .dropdown' ).removeClass( 'open' ); $( this ).toggleClass( 'caret-open' ); $( this ).parent().siblings().toggleClass( 'open' ); } } ); // Add active parent links on navigation $( '.navbar .dropdown > a' ).click( function () { location.href = this.href; } ); /** * Detect if browser is iPhone or iPad then add body class */ function hestia_detect_ios() { if ( $( '.hestia-about' ).length > 0 || $( '.hestia-ribbon' ).length > 0 ) { var iOS = /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test( navigator.userAgent ) && !window.MSStream; if ( iOS ) { $( 'body' ).addClass( 'is-ios' ); } } } hestia_detect_ios(); // Add size for each search input in top-bar if ( $( '.hestia-top-bar input[type=search]' ).length > 0 ) { $( '.hestia-top-bar input[type=search]' ).each( function () { $( this ).attr( 'size', $( this ).parent().find( '.control-label' ).text().replace( / |…/g, '' ).length ); } ); } // Functions on window resize $( window ).resize( function () { setTimeout( stickFooterToBottom(), 500 ); fixHeaderPadding(); headerSpacingFrontpage(); } ); // Very important! Don't Delete. var navigation = $( '#main-navigation' ); navigation.on( '', function () { $( 'body' ).addClass( 'menu-open' ); } ); navigation.on( '', function () { $( 'body' ).removeClass( 'menu-open' ); } ); // Get window width function getWidth() { if ( this.innerWidth ) { return this.innerWidth; } if ( document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth ) { return document.documentElement.clientWidth; } if ( document.body ) { return document.body.clientWidth; } } $.hestia = { 'init': function () { this.navSearch(); this.getPortfolioModalData(); this.initAnimations(); }, 'navSearch': function () { $( '.hestia-toggle-search' ).on( 'click', function () { $( '.navbar' ).toggleClass( 'nav-searching' ); $( '.nav-searching' ).find( '.hestia-nav-search' ).addClass( 'is-focused' ); $( '.nav-searching' ).find( '.hestia-nav-search' ).find( '.search-field' ).focus(); $( this ).find( 'i' ) .fadeOut( 200, function () { $( this ).toggleClass( 'fa-search' ); $( this ).toggleClass( 'fa-times' ); } ).fadeIn( 200 ); } ); }, /** * This function is used for grabbing post content via Ajax. * It triggers when the modal is open. */ 'getPortfolioModalData': function () { $('div[data-toggle="modal"]').on('click', function () { var pid = $(this).data('pid'); $.ajax( { url: requestpost.ajaxurl, type: 'post', data: { action: 'hestia_get_portfolio_item_data', pid: pid }, success: function (result) { var modal = $('.hestia-portfolio-modal'); modal.find('.modal-content').html(result); modal.on('', function () { var html = '
'; $(this).find('.modal-content').html(html); }); } } ); }); }, 'initAnimations': function(){ if ( typeof AOS !== 'undefined' ) { var aosOpt = { offset: 250, delay: 300, duration: 900, once: true, disable: 'mobile' }; AOS.init(aosOpt); } } }; $.hestia.init(); } ); (function ( $ ) { $( window ).load( function () { // Sidebar toggle if ( $( '.blog-sidebar-wrapper,.shop-sidebar-wrapper' ).length > 0 ) { var sidebarOrientation = 'left'; // RTL if ( $( 'body.rtl' ).length !== 0 ) { sidebarOrientation = 'right'; } $( '.hestia-sidebar-open' ).click( function () { $( '.sidebar-toggle-container' ).css( sidebarOrientation, '0' ); } ); $( '.hestia-sidebar-close' ).click( function () { $( '.sidebar-toggle-container' ).css( sidebarOrientation, '-100%' ); } ); } } ); var showScrollToTop = 0; $( window ).on( 'scroll', function () { var y_scroll_pos = window.pageYOffset; var scroll_pos_test = $( 'header' ).height(); if ( y_scroll_pos > scroll_pos_test && showScrollToTop === 0 ) { $( '.hestia-scroll-to-top' ).addClass( 'hestia-fade' ); showScrollToTop = 1; } if ( y_scroll_pos < scroll_pos_test && showScrollToTop === 1 ) { $( '.hestia-scroll-to-top' ).removeClass( 'hestia-fade' ); showScrollToTop = 0; } } ); $( '.hestia-scroll-to-top' ).on( 'click', function () { window.scroll( { top: 0, behavior: 'smooth' } ); } ); }( jQuery )); } /* FILE ARCHIVED ON 22:46:27 Jun 21, 2020 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 21:00:10 Jul 14, 2022. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY WAYBACK MACHINE, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ /* playback timings (ms): captures_list: 125.032 exclusion.robots: 0.106 exclusion.robots.policy: 0.099 cdx.remote: 0.07 esindex: 0.009 LoadShardBlock: 56.828 (3) PetaboxLoader3.datanode: 131.252 (5) CDXLines.iter: 16.862 (3) load_resource: 363.9 (2) PetaboxLoader3.resolve: 109.648 (2) */